Chapter 5

Page Process Program Type Program File
177 Compton Scattering Mathematica eGeG.m
184 Bhabha Scattering QGRAF input qgraf.dat
184 Bhabha Scattering QGRAF QED file qed
185 Bhabha Scattering Mathematica (Traces) Bhabha.m
186 Formula Bethe-Heitler Mathematica (Traces) BetheHeitler.m
191 Bhabha Scattering Mathematica (Helicities) SpinorProductse-EeE.m
193 $e^- e^+ \rightarrow \gamma \gamma$ in QED Mathematica (Traces) eEGG.m
193 $e^- e^+ \rightarrow \gamma \gamma$ in QED Mathematica (Helicities) SpinorProducts-eEGG.nb
199 Compton Scatering Mathematica (Helicities) SpinorProducts-Compton.nb
227 $e^- e^+ \rightarrow \gamma \gamma$ with mass. Problem 5.15 Mathematica (Traces) eEGG-WithMass.m
228 $e^- e^- \rightarrow e^- e^- $ with mass. Problem 5.16 Mathematica (Traces) eeee-WithMass.m
229 $e^- e^+ \rightarrow e^- e^+$ with mass. Problem 5.17 Mathematica (Traces) eEeE-WithMass.m
230 Positronium, Problem 5.19 Mathematica (Traces) eEGG-Positronium.m

Jorge Romao