This is the most difficult to work under Windows. This is because the
program is not an .exe file as the case of QGRAF, and it assumes an Unix/Linux
logic of files and subdirectories. I did not find any help on the web
and my suggestion is to install a virtual machine in Windows from
where you can run a Linux system. I have tried it and it works. I give
here the steps of what I did on a PC running Windows 7
with an i3 CPU and 4GB of RAM.
- Download the virtual machine (VM)
I used the VirtualBox provided by Oracle. You can get it at
for more specific versions of the OS
- Install the VM
Follow the steps of the installer. The only important thing to
decide is the amount of RAM and disk space. I tested that you need at
least 1 GB RAM and at least 10 GB disk space. Better more, if you
can. The memory settings can be changed latter. They are in use only
when you use the VM, of course.
- Install Linux
I installed the latest Ubuntu 12.04. This already installed the C
compiler gcc. The default desktop is heavy and the icons are too
large. It is better to install a lighter desktop like lubuntu. For that
you use the command
sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop
and then choose it in the login screen. Next time you login this will be
the default.
- Extra programs
You need to install the gfortran compiler. The
instructions are
sudo apt-get install gfortran
- CalcHEP
- Installation
Follow the instructions on the CalcHEP web page.
- Graphical display
You need to install the libX11 library to have a graphical display. In
Ubuntu you just do
sudo apt-get install libX11-dev
Then follow the rest of the installation instructions for
- Problems with X11
You need to have the gsfonts available for X11. In some cases you
should have the following lines in the xorg.conf
Section "Module"
Load "type1"
- Install QGRAF
Download the files and compile with gfortran. The command is
gfortran qgraf-3.1.3.f -o qgraf
is just the name of the binary executable file
Have fun.
Jorge Romao