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Specification Statements


This part completes what we have learned so far about specification statements.

Implicit typing


The implicit typing rules of Fortran 77 still hold. However, it is good practice to explicitly type all variables, and this can be forced by inserting the statement

at the beginning of each prorgam unit.

PARAMETER attribute


A named constant can be specified directly by adding the PARAMETER attribute and the constant values to a type statement:

  REAL, DIMENSION(3), PARAMETER :: field = (/ 0., 1., 2. /)
  TYPE(triplet), PARAMETER      :: t = triplet( 0., (/ 0., 0., 0. /) )

DATA statement


The DATA statement can be used also for arrays and variables of derived type. It is also the only way to initialise just parts of such objects, as well as to initialise to binary  , octal  or hexadecimal  values:

  TYPE(triplet) :: t1, t2
  DATA t1/triplet( 0., (/ 0., 1., 2. /) )/, t2%u/0./ ! only one component of t2 initialized 
  DATA array(1:64) / 64*0/                           ! only a section of array initialized
  DATA i, j, k/ B'01010101', O'77', Z'ff'/



There are many variations on the way character arrays may be specified. Among the shortest and longest are

  CHARACTER name(4, 5)*20
  CHARACTER (KIND = kanji, LEN = 20), DIMENSION (4, 5) :: name

Initialization expressions


The values used in DATA and PARAMETER statements, or in specification statements with these attributes, are constant expressions  that may include references to: array and structure constructors, elemental intrinsic functions  with integer or character arguments and results, and the six transformational functions REPEAT, SELECTED_INT_KIND, TRIM, SELECTED_REAL_KIND, RESHAPE and TRANSFER:

  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: long = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(12), array(3) = (/ 1, 2, 3 /)

Specification expressions


It is possible to specify details of variables using any non-constant, scalar, integer expression that may also include inquiry function references:

  SUBROUTINE s(b, m, c)
    USE mod                                       ! contains a
    REAL, DIMENSION(:, :)                  :: b   ! assumed-shape array  
    REAL, DIMENSION(UBOUND(b, 1) + 5)      :: x   ! automatic array
    INTEGER                                   m
    CHARACTER(LEN=*)                          c   ! assumed-length
    CHARACTER(LEN= m + LEN(c))                cc  ! automatic object
    REAL (SELECTED_REAL_KIND(2*PRECISION(a))) z   ! precision of z twice that of a



These attributes are used in specifications in modules  to limit the scope  of entities. The attribute form is

  REAL, PUBLIC     :: x, y, z           ! default
  INTEGER, PRIVATE :: u, v, w

and the statement form is

  PUBLIC  :: x, y, z, OPERATOR(.add.)

The statement form has to be used to limit access to operators, and can also be used to change the overall default:

  PRIVATE                               ! sets default for module
  PUBLIC  :: only_this

For a derived data type  there are three possibilities: the type and its components are all PUBLIC, the type is PUBLIC and its components PRIVATE (the type only is visible and one can change its details easily), or all of it is PRIVATE (for internal use in the module only):

  MODULE mine
     TYPE, PUBLIC :: list
        REAL x, y
        TYPE(list), POINTER :: next
     END TYPE list
     TYPE(list) :: tree

USE statement


To gain access to entities in a module, we use the USE statement. It has options to resolve name clashes if an imported name is the same as a local one:

  USE mine, local_list => list
or to restrict the used entities to a specified set:
  USE mine, ONLY : list

These may be combined:

  USE mine, ONLY : local_list => list

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Michel Goossens Mon Dec 18 12:34:22 MET 1995