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Compiler directives


Free Pascal supports compiler directives in your source file. They are not the same as Turbo Pascal directives, although some are supported for compatibility. There is a distinction between local and global directives; local directives take effect from the moment they are encountered, global directives have an effect on all of the compiled code.

Many switches have a long form also. If they do, then the name of the long form is given also. For long switches, the + or - character to switch the option on or off, may be replaced by ON or OFF keywords.

Thus {$I+} is equivalent to {$IOCHECKS ON} or {$IOCHECKS +} and {$C-} is equivalent to {$ASSERTIONS OFF} or {$ASSERTIONS -}

The long forms of the switches are the same as their Delphi counterparts.

Michael Van Canneyt
Thu Sep 10 14:04:11 CEST 1998