Function Maxavail : Longint;
Maxavail returns the size, in bytes, of the biggest free memory block in the heap.
Remark: The heap grows dynamically if more memory is needed than is available.
Release, Memavail,Freemem, Getmem
Program Example40; { Program to demonstrate the MaxAvail function. } Var P : Pointer; I : longint; begin { This will allocate memory until there is no more memory} I:=0; While MaxAvail>=1000 do begin Inc (I); GetMem (P,1000); end; { Default 4MB heap is allocated, so 4000 blocks should be allocated. When compiled with the -Ch10000 switch, the program will be able to allocate 10 block } Writeln ('Allocated ',i,' blocks of 1000 bytes'); end.