Procedure Seek (Var F; Count : Longint) ;
Seek sets the file-pointer for file F to record Nr. Count. The first record in a file has Count=0. F can be any file type, except Text. If F is an untyped file, with no specified record size, 128 is assumed.
A run-time error is generated if Count points to a position outside the file, or the file isn't opened.
Program Example56; { Program to demonstrate the Seek function. } Var F : File; I,j : longint; begin { Create a file and fill it with data } Assign (F,'test.dat'); Rewrite(F); { Create file } Close(f); FileMode:=2; ReSet (F,Sizeof(i)); { Opened read/write } For I:=0 to 10 do BlockWrite (F,I,1); { Go Back to the begining of the file } Seek(F,0); For I:=0 to 10 do begin BlockRead (F,J,1); If J<>I then Writeln ('Error: expected ' ,i,', got ',j); end; Close (f); end.