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The following constants for file-handling are defined in the system unit:

  fmclosed = $D7B0;
  fminput  = $D7B1;
  fmoutput = $D7B2;
  fminout  = $D7B3;
  fmappend = $D7B4;

  filemode : byte = 2;
Further, the following non processor specific general-purpose constants are also defined:
  erroraddr : pointer = nil;
  errorcode : word = 0;
 { max level in dumping on error }
  max_frame_dump : word = 20;

Remark: Processor specific global constants are named Testxxxx where xxxx represents the processor number (such as Test8086, Test68000), and are used to determine on what generation of processor the program is running on.

Michael Van Canneyt
Thu Sep 10 14:02:43 CEST 1998