Procedure seg_fillchar (seg : Word; ofs : Longint; count : Longint; c : char) ;
Sets a memory area to a specific value.
Return values: none
Notes: No range check is done in any way.
seg_move, seg_fillword, dosmemfillchar, dosmemfillword, dosmemget, dosmemput, dosmemmove
Program svgasel; uses go32; var vgasel : Word; r : trealregs; begin r.eax := $13; realintr($10, r); vgasel := segment_to_descriptor($A000); { simply fill the screen memory with color 15 } seg_fillchar(vgasel, 0, 64000, #15); readln; { back to text mode } r.eax := $3; realintr($10, r); end.