Procedure InitGraph (var GraphDriver,GraphModus : integer;
const PathToDriver : string) ;
InitGraph initializes the graph package.
GraphDriver has two valid values: GraphDriver=0 which performs an auto detect and initializes the highest possible mode with the most colors. 1024x768x64K is the highest possible resolution supported by the driver, if you need a higher resolution, you must edit MODES.PPI. If you need another mode, then set GraphDriver to a value different from zero and graphmode to the mode you wish (VESA modes where 640x480x256 is 101h etc.).
PathToDriver is only needed, if you use the BGI fonts from Borland.
Introduction, (page ),
DetectGraph, CloseGraph, GraphResult
var gd,gm : integer; PathToDriver : string; begin gd:=detect; { highest possible resolution } gm:=0; { not needed, auto detection } PathToDriver:='C:\PP\BGI'; { path to BGI fonts, drivers aren't needed } InitGraph(gd,gm,PathToDriver); if GraphResult<>grok then halt; ..... { whatever you need } CloseGraph; { restores the old graphics mode } end.