Procedure IOCtl (Handle,Ndx: Longint; Data: Pointer) ;
This is a general interface to the Unix/ LINUX ioctl call. It performs various operations on the filedescriptor Handle. Ndx describes the operation to perform. Data points to data needed for the Ndx function. The structure of this data is function-dependent, so we don't elaborate on this here.
For more information on this, see various manual pages under linux.
Errors are reported in LinuxError. They are very dependent on the used function, that's why we don't list them here
ioctl (2)
Program Example54; uses Linux; { Program to demonstrate the IOCtl function. } var tios : Termios; begin IOCtl(1,TCGETS,@tios); WriteLn('Input Flags : $',hexstr(tios.c_iflag,8)); WriteLn('Output Flags : $',hexstr(tios.c_oflag,8)); WriteLn('Line Flags : $',hexstr(tios.c_lflag,8)); WriteLn('Control Flags: $',hexstr(tios.c_cflag,8)); end.