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The DOS unit implements the following constants:

  {Bitmasks for CPU Flags}
  fcarry =     $0001;
  fparity =    $0004;
  fauxiliary = $0010;
  fzero =      $0040;
  fsign =      $0080;
  foverflow  = $0800;

  {Bitmasks for file attribute}
  readonly =   $01;
  hidden =     $02;
  sysfile =    $04;
  volumeid =   $08;
  directory =  $10;
  archive =    $20;
  anyfile =    $3F;
  fmclosed =   $D7B0;
  fminput =    $D7B1;
  fmoutput =   $D7B2;
  fminout =    $D7B3;

Michael Van Canneyt
Thu Sep 10 13:59:33 CEST 1998