Function Utime (path : pathstr; utim : utimbuf) : Boolean;
Utime sets the access and modification times of a file. the utimbuf record contains 2 fields, actime, and modtime, both of type Longint. They should be filled with an epoch-like time, specifying, respectively, the last access time, and the last modification time.
For some filesystem (most notably, FAT), these times are the same.
Errors are returned in LinuxError.
GetEpochTime, Chown, Access, utime (()2)
Program Example25; { Program to demonstrate the UTime function. } Uses linux; Var utim : utimbuf; year,month,day,hour,minute,second : Word; begin { Set access and modification time of executable source } GetTime (hour,minute,second); GetDate (year,month,day); utim.actime:=LocalToEpoch(year,month,day,hour,minute,second); utim.modtime:=utim.actime; if not Utime('ex25.pp',utim) then writeln ('Call to UTime failed !') else begin Write ('Set access and modification times to : '); Write (Hour:2,':',minute:2,':',second,', '); Writeln (Day:2,'/',month:2,'/',year:4); end; end.