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Variables, Types and constants

The following types are defined in the MMX unit:

tmmxshortint = array[0..7] of shortint;
tmmxbyte = array[0..7] of byte;
tmmxword = array[0..3] of word;
tmmxinteger = array[0..3] of integer;
tmmxfixed = array[0..3] of fixed16;
tmmxlongint = array[0..1] of longint;
tmmxcardinal = array[0..1] of cardinal;
{ for the AMD 3D }
tmmxsingle = array[0..1] of single;
And the following pointers to the above types:
pmmxshortint = ^tmmxshortint;
pmmxbyte = ^tmmxbyte;
pmmxword = ^tmmxword;
pmmxinteger = ^tmmxinteger;
pmmxfixed = ^tmmxfixed;
pmmxlongint = ^tmmxlongint;
pmmxcardinal = ^tmmxcardinal;
{ for the AMD 3D }
pmmxsingle = ^tmmxsingle;
The following initialized constants allow you to determine if the computer has MMX extensions. They are set correctly in the unit's initialization code.
is_mmx_cpu : boolean = false;
is_amd_3d_cpu : boolean = false;

Michael Van Canneyt
Thu Sep 10 13:59:33 CEST 1998