Procedure GetMouseState (Var x, y, buttons: Longint) ;
GetMouseState Returns information on the current mouse position and which buttons are currently pressed.
x and y return the mouse cursor coordinates in pixels.
Buttons is a bitmask. Check the example program to see how you can get the necessary information from it.
LPressed, MPressed, RPressed, SetMousePos
{example for GetMouseState, IsLPressed, IsRPressed and IsMPressed} Uses Mouse, Crt; Var X, Y, State: Longint; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin ClrScr; ShowMouse; GotoXY(5,24); Write('Left button:'); GotoXY(30,24); Write('Right button:'); GotoXY(55,24); Write('Middle button:'); While KeyPressed do Readkey; {clear keyboard buffer} Repeat GetMouseState(x, y, State); GotoXY(20, 22); Write('X: ',x:5,' (column: ',(x div 8):2,') Y: ',y:5, ' (row: ',(y div 8):2,')'); GotoXY(18, 24); {left button} If (State and LButton) = LButton Then {or: "If LPressed Then". If you use this function, no call to GetMouseState is necessary} Write('Down') Else Write('Up '); GotoXY(44, 24); {right button} If (State and RButton) = RButton Then {or: "If RPressed Then"} Write('Down') Else Write('Up '); GotoXY(70, 24); {middle button} If (State and MButton) = MButton Then {or: "If MPressed Then"} Write('Down') Else Write('Up ') Until KeyPressed; HideMouse; While KeyPressed Do Readkey End End.