Procedure SetMouseXRange (Min, Max: Longint) ;
SetMouseXRange sets the minimum (Min) and maximum (Max) horizontal coordinates in between which the mouse cursor can move.
While Min and Max are Longint parameters, only the lower 16 bits are used.
SetMouseYRange, SetMouseWindow
{example for SetMouseXRange, SetMouseYRange and SetMouseWindow} Uses Mouse, Crt; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin SetMouseXRange(20*8,50*8); {charracter width and height = 8 pixels} SetMouseYRange(10*8,15*8); {the two lines of code have exactly the same effect as SetMouseWindow(20*8,10*8,50*8,15*8)} Writeln('Press any key to quit.'); ShowMouse; While KeyPressed Do ReadKey; Readkey; While KeyPressed Do ReadKey; HideMouse End End.