Function Connect (Sock:Longint;Var Addr;Addrlen:Longint) : Boolean;
Connect opens a connection to a peer, whose address is described by varAddr. AddrLen contains the length of the address.
The type of Addr depends on the kind of connection you're trying to make, but is generally one of TSockAddr or TUnixSockAddr.
Errors are reported in SocketError.
Program Client; { Program to test Sockets unit by Michael van Canneyt and Peter Vreman Client Version, First Run sock_svr to let it create a socket and then sock_cli to connect to that socket } uses Sockets,Linux; procedure PError(const S : string); begin writeln(S,SocketError); halt(100); end; Var Saddr : String[25]; Buffer : string [255]; S : Longint; Sin,Sout : Text; i : integer; begin S:=Socket (AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,0); if SocketError<>0 then Perror('Client : Socket : '); Saddr:='ServerSoc'; if not Connect (S,SAddr,Sin,Sout) then PError('Client : Connect : '); Reset(Sin); ReWrite(Sout); Buffer:='This is a textstring sent by the Client.'; for i:=1 to 10 do Writeln(Sout,Buffer); Flush(Sout); Readln(SIn,Buffer); WriteLn(Buffer); Close(sout); end.