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Function GetLongOpts (Shortopts : String, LongOpts : POption; var Longint : Longint ) : Char;


Returns the next option found on the command-line, taking into account long options as well. If no more options are found, returns EndOfOptions. If the option requires an argument, it is returned in the OptArg variable.

ShortOptions is a string containing all possible one-letter options. (see Getopt for its description and use)

LongOpts is a pointer to the first element of an array of Option records, the last of which needs a name of zero length. The function tries to match the names even partially (i.e. -app will match e.g. the append option), but will report an error in case of ambiguity.

If the option needs an argument, set Has_arg to Required_argument, if the option optionally has an argument, set Has_arg to Optional_argument. If the option needs no argument, set Has_arg to zero.

Required arguments can be specified in two ways :

  1. Pasted to the option : -option=value
  2. As a separate argument : -option value
Optional arguments can only be specified through the first method.


see Getopt, getopt (3)

See also:

For an example, see Getopt

Michael Van Canneyt
Thu Sep 10 13:59:33 CEST 1998