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Selectors and descriptors

Descriptors are a bit like real mode segments; they describe (as the name implies) a memory area in protected mode. A descriptor contains information about segment length, its base address and the attributes of it (i.e. type, access rights, ...).

These descriptors are stored internally in a so-called descriptor table, which is basically an array of such descriptors.

Selectors are roughly an index into this table.

Because these 'segments' can be up to 4 GB in size, 32 bits aren't sufficient anymore to describe a single memory location like in real mode. 48 bits are now needed to do this, a 32 bit address and a 16 bit sized selector. The GO32 unit provides the tseginfo record to store such a pointer.

But due to the fact that most of the time data is stored and accessed in the %ds selector, FPC assumes that all pointers point to a memory location of this selector. So a single pointer is still only 32 bits in size. This value represents the offset from the data segment base address to this memory location.

Michael Van Canneyt
Thu Sep 10 13:59:33 CEST 1998