Since 1980 the American Physical Society has been accepting computer files from authors and using those files (``compuscripts'') in the preparation of their papers. In 1987 a research and development effort was launched to expand this service to include TeX-formatted compuscripts. We have been publishing TeX compuscripts since 1988.
Benefits to Author and Publisher. REVTeX is one of the acceptable electronic-submission formats that earns an APS publication-charge discount for authors. It is currently the only format that routinely undergoes direct software conversion into APS's Xyvision/SGML production files, avoiding rekeyboarding. Not only does this yield a small savings for APS, it also maximizes author control of text-content keystrokes and thereby minimizes author effort in checking author proofs. Furthermore, the macros are supported by several other physics publishers, so REVTeX has utility for non-APS electronic submissions as well. REVTeX attempts to meet both publisher and author needs, strtiking a balance between requirements that sometimes conflict. It addresses the tagging needs of production; by staying closely compatible with LaTeX, it can also be useful to an author for presubmission presentation and for non-APS submissions more generally.
How to Qualify: Use REVTeX Macro Package. The APS has developed a ``compuscript toolbox,'' which is composed of LaTeX macros, (style files), The REVTeX Input Guide, bibliography tools, an input template and example file, and instructions for using the software and on how to properly prepare a compuscript for the APS program. Auxiliary files, e.g. editorial style and notation guides, are available online and compliment the toolbox (cf. xii).
Which Journals are Participants? Papers submitted to all the journals, Physical Review A, B, C, D, E, Letters, or Reviews of Modern Physics may qualify.
Media for Compuscripts. We can process files received via electronic mail or on DOS-formatted floppy disk.
How to Participate. Make the original submission of your REVTeX compuscript to the Editorial Office via electronic mail or DOS-formatted floppy disk. We will contact you to confirm file qualification. During the review process, resubmit in one of the electronic modes; do not resubmit by conventional means.
Obtaining the Toolbox and More Information. Contact
REVTeX Support
The American Physical Society
1 Research Rd. Box 9000
Ridge, New York 11961-9000
Telephone: (516) 591-4000
FAX: (516) 591-4141
E-mail address: (Internet)