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Procedure Append (Var F : Text) ;


Append opens an existing file in append mode. Any data written to F will be appended to the file. If the file didn't exist, it will be created, contrary to the Turbo Pascal implementation of Append, where a file needed to exist in order to be opened by append.

Only text files can be opened in append mode.


If the file can't be created, a run-time error will be generated.

See also:

Rewrite,Append, Reset

Program Example3;

{ Program to demonstrate the Append function. }

Var f : text;

  Assign (f,'test.txt');
  Rewrite (f);            { file is opened for write, and emptied }
  Writeln (F,'This is the first line of text.txt');
  close (f);
  Append(f);              { file is opened for write, but NOT emptied. 
                            any text written to it is appended.}
  Writeln (f,'This is the second line of text.txt');
  close (f);

Michael Van Canneyt
Thu Sep 10 14:02:43 CEST 1998