Function get_run_mode : Word;
Returns the current mode your application runs with
Return values: One of the constants used by this function
constants returned by get_run_mode
Program getrunmd; uses go32; begin { depending on the detected environment, we simply write another message } case (get_run_mode) of rm_unknown : Writeln('Unknown environment found'); rm_raw : Writeln('You are currently running in raw mode', ' (without HIMEM)'); rm_xms : Writeln('You are currently using HIMEM.SYS only'); rm_vcpi : Writeln('VCPI server detected.', ' You''re using HIMEM and EMM386'); rm_dpmi : Writeln('DPMI detected.', ' You''re using a DPMI host like ', 'a windows DOS box or CWSDPMI'); end; end.