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  PGlob and TGlob are 2 types used in the Glob function:

PGlob = ^TGlob;
TGlob = record
  Name : PChar;
  Next : PGlob;
The following types are used in the signal-processing procedures.
{$Packrecords 1}
SignalHandler   = Procedure ( Sig : Integer);cdecl;
PSignalHandler  = SignalHandler;
SignalRestorer  = Procedure;cdecl;
PSignalrestorer = SignalRestorer;

SigActionRec = Record
  Sa_Handler  : Signalhandler;
  Sa_Mask     : Longint;
  Sa_flags    : Integer;
  Sa_Restorer : SignalRestorer;
PSigActionRec = ^SigActionRec;
Stat is used to store information about a file. It is defined in the syscalls unit.

  stat = record
     dev    : word;
     pad1   : word;
     ino    : longint;
     mode   : word;
     nlink  : word;
     uid    : word;
     gid    : word;
     rdev   : word;
     pad2   : word;
     size   : longint;
     blksze : Longint;
     blocks : Longint;
     atime  : Longint;
     unused1 : longint;
     mtime   : Longint;
     unused2 : longint;
     ctime   : Longint;
     unused3 : longint;
     unused4 : longint;
     unused5 : longint;

Statfs is used to store information about a filesystem. It is defined in the syscalls unit.

   statfs = record
     fstype   : longint;
     bsize    : longint;
     blocks   : longint;
     bfree    : longint;
     bavail   : longint;
     files    : longint;
     ffree    : longint;
     fsid     : longint;
     namelen  : longint; 
     spare    : array [0..6] of longint;
Dir and PDir are used in the OpenDir and ReadDir functions.
  TDir =record
    fd     : integer;
    loc    : longint;
    size   : integer;
    buf    : pdirent;
    nextoff: longint;
    dd_max : integer; 
    lock   : pointer;
  PDir =^TDir;
Dirent, PDirent are used in the ReadDir function to return files in a directory.
 PDirent = ^Dirent;
 Dirent = Record  
   off    : longint;
   reclen : word;
   name   : string[255]
Termio and Termios are used with iotcl() calls for terminal handling.
Const  NCCS = 19;
       NCC = 8;
Type termio = record
	c_iflag,		{ input mode flags }
	c_oflag,		{ output mode flags }
	c_cflag,		{ control mode flags }
	c_lflag : Word;		{ local mode flags }
	c_line : Word;		{ line discipline - careful, only High byte in use}
	c_cc : array [0..NCC-1] of char;	{ control characters }

termios = record
  c_iflag,              { input mode flags }
  c_oflag,              { output mode flags }
  c_cflag,              { control mode flags }
  c_lflag : Cardinal;	{ local mode flags }
  c_line : char;          { line discipline }
  c_cc : array [0..NCCS-1] of char;      { control characters }
Utimbuf is used in the Utime call to set access and modificaton time of a file.
utimbuf = record
  actime,modtime : Longint;
For the Select call, the following 4 types are needed:
FDSet = Array [0..31] of longint;
PFDSet = ^FDSet;

TimeVal = Record
   sec,usec : Longint;
PTimeVal = ^TimeVal;
The Uname function uses the utsname to return information about the current kernel :
utsname =record
  version,machine,domainname : Array[0..64] of char;
Its elements are null-terminated C style strings, you cannot access them directly !

Michael Van Canneyt
Thu Sep 10 13:59:33 CEST 1998