Procedure AssignPipe (Pipe_in, Pipe_out : Text) ;
AssignePipe creates a pipe, i.e. two file objects, one for input, one for output. What is written to Pipe_out, can be read from Pipe_in. Reading and writing happens through the usual Readln(Pipe_in,...) and Writeln (Pipe_out,...) procedures.
LinuxError is used to report errors:
Program Example36; { Program to demonstrate the AssignPipe function. } Uses linux; Var pipi,pipo : Text; s : String; begin Writeln ('Assigning Pipes.'); assignpipe(pipi,pipo); if linuxerror<>0 then Writeln('Error assigning pipes !'); Writeln ('Writing to pipe, and flushing.'); Writeln (pipo,'This is a textstring');close(pipo); Writeln ('Reading from pipe.'); While not eof(pipi) do begin Readln (pipi,s); Writeln ('Read from pipe : ',s); end; close (pipi); writeln ('Closed pipes.'); writeln end.