Procedure AssignStream (StreamIn,StreamOut : Text; Const prog : String) ;
AssignStream creates a 2 pipes, i.e. two file objects, one for input, one for output, the other ends of these pipes are connected to standard input and and output of Prog. Prog is the name of a program (including path) with options, which will be executed. What is written to StreamOut, will go to the standard input of Prog. Whatever is written by Prog to it's standard output be read from StreamIn. Reading and writing happens through the usual Readln(StreamIn,...) and Writeln (StreamOut,...) procedures.
LinuxError is used to report errors:
AssignPipe, POpen,pipe (2)
Program Example38; { Program to demonstrate the AssignStream function. } Uses linux; Var Si,So : Text; S : String; i : longint; begin if not (paramstr(1)='-son') then begin Writeln ('Calling son'); Assignstream (Si,So,'/home/michael/fpk/rtl/linux/ex38a -son'); if linuxerror<>0 then writeln ('AssignStream failed !'); Writeln ('Speaking to son'); For i:=1 to 10 do begin writeln (so,'Hello son !'); if ioresult<>0 then writeln ('Can''t speak to son...'); end; For i:=1 to 3 do writeln (so,'Hello chap !'); close (so); while not eof(si) do begin readln (si,s); writeln ('Father: Son said : ',S); end; Writeln ('Stopped conversation'); Close (Si); Writeln ('Put down phone'); end Else begin Writeln ('This is the son '); While not eof (input) do begin readln (s); if pos ('Hello son !',S)<>0 then Writeln ('Hello Dad !') else writeln ('Who are you ?'); end; // close (output); end end.