Function Fork : Longint;
Fork creates a child process which is a copy of the parent process.
Fork returns the process ID in the parent process, and zero in the child's process. (you can get the parent's PID with GetPPid).
On error, -1 is returned to the parent, and no child is created.
Execve, fork (2)
Program Example14; { Program to demonstrate the Fork and WaitPidfunction. } Uses linux; Var PID, ExitStatus : Longint; begin Writeln ('Spawning a child'); PID:=Fork; If PID=0 then begin Writeln ('Hello From the Child !!'); Writeln ('Exiting with exit status 1 !'); Halt (1); end Else begin Writeln ('Spawned child with PID : ',PID); WaitPid (PID,@ExitStatus,0); Writeln ('Child exited with status : ',ExitStatus shr 8); end; end.