Procedure Execve (Path : pathstr; args,ep : ppchar) ;
Replaces the currently running program with the program, specified in path. It gives the program the options in args, and the environment in ep. They are pointers to an array of pointers to null-terminated strings. The last pointer in this array should be nil.
On success, execve does not return.
Errors are reported in LinuxError:
Execve, Execv, Execvp Execle, Execl, Execlp, Fork, execve (2)
Program Example7; { Program to demonstrate the Execve function. } Uses linux, strings; Const Arg0 : PChar = '/bin/ls'; Arg1 : Pchar = '-l'; Var PP : PPchar; begin GetMem (PP,3*SizeOf(Pchar)); PP[0]:=Arg0; PP[1]:=Arg1; PP[3]:=Nil; { Execute '/bin/ls -l', with current environment } { Envp is defined in } ExecVe ('/bin/ls',pp,envp); end.