Procedure SetMouseHideWindow (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax: Longint) ;
SetMouseHideWindow defines a rectangle on screen with top-left corner at (xmin,ymin) and botto-right corner at (xmax,ymax),which causes the mouse cursor to be turned off when it is moved into it.
When the mouse is moved into the specified region, it is turned off until you call ShowMouse again. However, when you've called ShowMouse, you'll have to call SetMouseHideWindow again to redefine the hide window... This may be annoying, but it's the way it's implemented in the mouse driver.
While xmin, ymin, xmax and ymax are Longint parameters, only the lower 16 bits are used.
Program Mouse1; {example for InitMouse and MouseFound} Uses Mouse; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin {go into graphics mode 13h} Asm movl $0x013, %eax pushl %ebp int $0x010 popl %ebp End; InitMouse; ShowMouse; {otherwise it stays invisible} Writeln('Mouse Found! (press enter to quit)'); Readln; {back to text mode} Asm movl $3, %eax pushl %ebp int $0x010 popl %ebp End End End.