Procedure SetMouseAscii (Ascii: Byte) ;
SetMouseAscii sets the Ascii value of the character that depicts the mouse cursor in text mode.
The difference between this one and SetMouseShape, is that the foreground and background colors stay the same and that the Ascii code you enter is the character that you will get on screen; there's no XOR'ing.
{example for SetMouseAscii} {warning: no error checking is performed on the input} Uses Mouse, Crt; Var ascii: Byte; x,y: Longint; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin ClrScr; Writeln('Press any mouse button to quit after you''ve entered an Ascii value.'); Writeln; Writeln('ASCII value of mouse cursor:'); ShowMouse; Repeat GotoXY(30,3); ClrEol; Readln(ascii); SetMouseAscii(ascii) Until (GetLastButtonPress(LButton,x,y) <> 0) Or (GetLastButtonPress(RButton,x,y) <> 0) Or (GetLastButtonPress(MButton,x,y) <> 0); HideMouse End; End.