Procedure SetMouseSpeed (Horizontal, Vertical: Longint) ;
SetMouseSpeed sets the mouse speed in mickeys per 8 pixels.
A mickey is the smallest measurement unit handled by a mouse. With this procedure you can set how many mickeys the mouse should move to move the cursor 8 pixels horizontally of vertically. The default values are 8 for horizontal and 16 for vertical movement.
While this procedure accepts longint parameters, only the low 16 bits are actually used.
Uses Mouse, Crt; Var hor, vert: Longint; x, y: Longint; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin ClrScr; Writeln('Click any button to quit after you''ve entered a sequence of numbers.'); Writeln; Writeln('Horizontal mickey''s per pixel:'); Writeln('Vertical mickey''s per pixel:'); ShowMouse; Repeat GotoXY(32,3); ClrEol; Readln(hor); GotoXY(30,4); ClrEol; Readln(vert); SetMouseSpeed(hor, vert); Until (GetLastButtonPress(LButton,x,y) <> 0) Or (GetLastButtonPress(RButton,x,y) <> 0) Or (GetLastButtonPress(MButton,x,y) <> 0); End End.