Procedure SetMouseShape (ForeColor,BackColor,Ascii: Byte) ;
SetMouseShape defines how the mouse cursor looks in textmode
The character and its attributes that are on the mouse cursor's position on screen are XOR'ed with resp. ForeColor, BackColor and Ascii. Set them all to 0 for a "transparent" cursor.
{example for SetMouseShape} {warning: no error checking is performed on the input} {the Ascii value you enter is XOR'ed with the Ascii value of the character on the screen over which you move the cursor. To get a "transparent" cursor, use the Ascii value 0} Uses Mouse, Crt; Var ascii, fc, bc: Byte; x,y: Longint; Begin If MouseFound Then Begin ClrScr; Writeln('Press any mouse button to quit after you''ve entered a sequence of numbers.'); Writeln; Writeln('ASCII value of mouse cursor:'); Writeln('Forground color:'); Writeln('Background color:'); ShowMouse; Repeat GotoXY(30,3); ClrEol; Readln(ascii); GotoXY(18,4); ClrEol; Readln(fc); GotoXY(19,5); ClrEol; Readln(bc); SetMouseShape(fc, bc, ascii) Until (GetLastButtonPress(LButton,x,y) <> 0) Or (GetLastButtonPress(RButton,x,y) <> 0) Or (GetLastButtonPress(MButton,x,y) <> 0); HideMouse End; End.