Procedure GetFAttr (var F; var Attr: word) ;
GetFAttr returns the file attributes of the file-variable f. F can be a untyped or typed file, or of type Text. f must have been assigned, but not opened. The attributes can be examined with the following constants :
Errors are reported in DosError
Program Example8; uses Dos; { Program to demonstrate the GetFAttr function. } var Attr : Word; f : File; begin Assign(f,ParamStr(1)); GetFAttr(f,Attr); WriteLn('File ',ParamStr(1),' has attribute ',Attr); if (Attr and $20)<>0 then WriteLn('- Archive'); if (Attr and $10)<>0 then WriteLn('- Directory'); if (Attr and $4)<>0 then WriteLn('- Read-Only'); if (Attr and $2)<>0 then WriteLn('- System'); if (Attr and $1)<>0 then WriteLn('- Hidden'); end.