Procedure GetFTime (var F; var Time: longint) ;
GetFTime returns the modification time of a file. This time is encoded and must be decoded with UnPackTime. F must be a file type, which has been assigned, and opened.
Errors are reported in DosError
Program Example9; uses Dos; { Program to demonstrate the GetFTime function. } Function L0(w:word):string; var s : string; begin Str(w,s); if w<10 then L0:='0'+s else L0:=s; end; var f : File; Time : Longint; DT : DateTime; begin Assign(f,ParamStr(1)); Reset(f); GetFTime(f,Time); Close(f); UnPackTime(Time,DT); Write ('File ',ParamStr(1),' is last modified on '); Writeln (L0(DT.Month),'-',L0(DT.Day),'-',DT.Year, ' at ',L0(DT.Hour),':',L0(DT.Min)); end.