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You may have discovered that, although you followed all the instructions in the REVTeX input guide, your file was found to be unusable by AIP. Of course there will be circumstances beyond anyone's control (damaged disks, corrupt e-mail messages, etc.) that will render a file unusable. But there are some things that you, the author, can do before you send AIP the file to ensure that it is accepted and used to produce your page proofs.

AIP has developed a robust conversion to translate your file to our Xyvision page make-up system. This conversion was written based on the APS REVTeX input guidelines and the REVTeX\ template. If those instructions are followed exactly, and the correct REVTeX tags used, then the file will be converted without any problems. But we do recognize that you may be using your REVTeX file to produce preprints, so you may find yourself ``tweaking'' fonts or spacing, or even creating new symbols. However, for our conversion to work properly, it is absolutely necessary that you send AIP a ``clean'' file to work with.

Here are some things you can do to help us.

Fri Feb 6 11:28:18 GMT 1998