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Plain TeX and LaTeX files

Some authors will put the REVTeX documentstyle line at the beginning of a regular, ``non-REVTeX'' LaTeX file and send it in as a bona fide REVTeX\ file. We ask that authors please do not do this, since it still requires us to go into your file and (a) edit the file into a ``real'' REVTeX\ file or (b) reject the file outright due to the amount of extra editing time it would take for us to make the file usable.

Use the REVTeX template. If you use the template and follow it implicitely, the odds of your file being used to produce your proofs will greatly increase. (See the APS input guide for more information.)

Do not use Plain TeX to typeset equations or tables. Use LaTeX and REVTeX\ commands.

Fri Feb 6 11:28:18 GMT 1998