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Tables are a part of the compuscript and should appear at the end of the file. Every table must have a complete caption and the correct number of descriptive column headings. Tables may be narrow (8.6 cm or 3.4 in.\ wide), medium (14 cm or 5.5 in. wide), or wide (17.8 cm or 7.0 in.\ wide), in galley style. An example of each appears in the sample compuscript input. The final tables will be sized by the production compostion system to be set narrow, medium, or wide (according to the number of columns, type of material, etc.). (When using the preprint style for REVTeX , all tables will be set 6.5 in. wide. REVTeX will ignore \narrowtext, \mediumtext, and \widetext commands if the front matter of the file calls for the preprint style.)

Each table must begin with \begin{table}, and end with \end{table}. Follow current journal style concerning placement of table lines. (See examples in this guide and recent issues of the journal.) The table commands will set double horizontal lines appearing at the beginning and end of the table; a single horizontal rule should be set after the column headings with the use of the \hline command. Extra sets of column headings within the table will require another \hline to separate the headings from the column entries. Do not insert any other horizontal or vertical lines in the body of the table.

Since tables are automatically numbered, the \label{#1} command is used with the \ref{#1} command to cite tables in text. The \label{#1} command should appear after the \caption{#1} command and before the \end{table} command.

Some special table considerations:

Tables in REVTeX do not normally float. The floats style option restores floating behavior for figures and tables. Tables in REVTeX will break across pages if they are more than a full page in length, unless the floats option has been selected. (The floats option has been added for the author's personal use. It should not be used in any file destined for submission to the APS.)

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Fri Feb 6 11:29:29 GMT 1998