Author-prepared compuscripts should include the following parts (preferably) in this order: title, author, address, abstract, suggested PACS numbers (use current Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme), main manuscript body, references, figure captions, and tables. The production staff will add verified PACS numbers and manuscript receipt date. Specific instructions pertaining to various parts of the compuscript are listed below as well as a short annotated example of compuscript input. Proper tagging commands (macros) and coding are indicated where necessary.
In general, compuscripts should not contain any author-defined macros. However, macros which are simple text substitutions can be ``expanded'' by the production software. More complicated macros will create problems when the file is converted and must be avoided. See Sec. x for further information.
This guide assumes some familiarity with LaTeX; specifically the article
style. REVTeX version 3.1 is based on article style. The notations
, #2
, etc. are used throughout this guide to denote
user-supplied arguments. Commands will be shown in their full form; i.e.,
with their mandatory arguments.
Authors should also print the file apssamp.tex and compare the input for further instruction and detailed examples. This guide and the sample file depend upon each other to cover all features of REVTeX . The file template.aps may be copied to another name to use as a basis for creating a new REVTeX file.