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The AMSFonts are fonts that were developed and are now made available free of charge by the American Mathematical Society. The METAFONT source files for these fonts are freely available, as are precompiled .pk files, for those with Internet ftp capabilities. There are two style options that can be used to access the AMSFonts: amsfonts and amssymb. Not distributed with REVTeX are the files amsfonts.sty and amssymb.sty from the AMS's AMS -LaTeX distribution. These files are called in by REVTeX to give you access to the AMSFonts when the NFSS is in effect; REVTeX itself will do the work necessary to allow access when the OFSS is in effect.

The amsfonts option will define the \frak and \Bbb commands to switch to the Fraktur and Blackboard Bold fonts, respectively. Fraktur characters will come out bold in a bbox, Blackboard Bold will not. The amsfonts option also adds support for bold math letters and symbols in smaller sizes in galley style and in superscripts when a \bbox{#1} is used. For example, $^{\bbox{\pi}}$ gives a bold lowercase pi in the superscript position. amssymb gives the capabilities of the amsfonts option and additionally defines many new characters for use in math. Here are the fonts you need to have installed for the amsfonts and amssymb options:

  1. msam5, msam6, msam7, msam8, msam9, and msam10 at their normal (unmagnified) sizes, and msam10 at magsteps ,1,2.
  2. msbm5, msbm6, msbm7, msbm8, msbm9, and msbm10 at their normal (unmagnified) sizes, and msbm10 at magsteps ,1,2.
  3. eufm5, eufm6, eufm7, eufm8, eufm9, and eufm10 at their normal (unmagnified) sizes, and eufm10 at magsteps ,1,2.
  4. eufb5, eufb6, eufb7, eufb8, eufb9, and eufb10 at their normal (unmagnified) sizes, and eufb10 at magsteps ,1,2.
  5. cmmib5, cmmib6, cmmib7, cmmib8, cmmib9, and cmmib10 at their normal (unmagnified) sizes, and cmmib10 at magsteps ,1,2.
  6. cmbsy5, cmbsy6, cmbsy7, cmbsy8, cmbsy9, and cmbsy10 at their normal (unmagnified) sizes, and cmbsy10 at magsteps ,1,2.

The following table shows only the REVTeX requirements for a minimal AMSFonts installation; i.e., one that will function correctly at normal sizes. ``Normal sizes'' means the sizes one gets automatically in REVTeX without using LaTeX's explicit size-changing commands. (It may be worth installing the fonts at larger sizes if you use the NFSS, for uses other than REVTeX .)

Table: Minimum fonts and resolutions required for a 300-dpi installation of AMSFonts for use of the amsfonts and amssymb style options at normal REVTeX sizes.

REVTeX does not support the use of the extra Euler fonts (the AMSFonts starting with eur or eus) or the Cyrillic fonts (the AMSFonts starting with w).

In addition, if you are using the NFSS you will need to have the files amsfonts.sty and amssymb.sty from the AMS -LaTeX distribution. See Sec.\ viiA for an explanation of what the NFSS is.

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Fri Feb 6 11:29:29 GMT 1998