Files in the complete REVTeX 3.1 distribution:
(a) the general files:
README revtex.sty manintro.tex manend.tex
(b) APS-specific files
aps.sty aps10.sty aps12.sty rmp.sty prabib.sty prbbib.sty template.aps manaps.tex apssamp.tex prsty.bst reftest.tex
You must have TeX and LaTeX running to use these macros. All macros run on a standard .09 format. If is used, it must be run in ``compatibility'' mode.
Installing to just test the macros can be accomplished by copying all the files into an unused directory, then changing to that directory. All the files and facilities of REVTeX should then be usable while you are in that directory.
A more permanent installation would usually mean installing the .sty files and reftest.tex files into the directory where TeX usually looks for input files, the .bst files where BIBTeX usually looks for its style files, and the the rest of the files into a REVTeX working directory or a public directory, depending on your system setup. Care should be taken to avoid writing over files already present. The files in the REVTeX package have been named to help avoid this problem, but there can be no guarantee that our filenames are unique (e.g., README).
If you are upgrading an older version of REVTeX (<3.1), the files from the old version should be deleted first. Here is a list of the older files:
readme (make sure you only delete the REVTeX readme!) revtex.sty aps.sty aps10.sty aps12.sty preprint.sty eqsecnum.sty smplea.tex smpleb.tex smplec.tex apguide.tex
The next thing you need to do is run LaTeX on the appropriate user guide(s). Run manintro.tex, manaps.tex, and manend.tex. Collecting the output together in this order will provide a complete user guide for APS authors. Running manaip.tex and manosa.tex will give you the chapters for AIP and OSA authors.
If needed, consult a local LaTeX user or system support person for information on how to run LaTeX and print its output on your local system.
Before you report an error please check that
If you think you have found a genuine bug please report it, together with the following information:
Errors should be reported to the support person listed in Sec. xii.