When the REVTeX compuscript (preprint style) is ready to go, it should should be submitted to the Editorial Office in conformance with the procedures printed in the first issue of each volume of Physical Review A, B, C, D, E, or L or in the back of each issue of Reviews of Modern Physics. The following procedures are those unique to compuscript processing.
Papers intended for the compuscript production program should be originally submitted and then always resubmitted by electronic mail or by DOS-formatted disk. (See details below.) Avoid resubmission by conventional means (paper, postal mail); continue to use one of the electronic modes.
When a compuscript is changed in response to recommendations and criticisms from the review process, or to present other corrections and author revisions, the full file should be resubmitted. Please include a summary of the changes made, as well as any rebuttal to reviewer comments; state whether or not figures have been modified. Any new or revised figures should be forwarded as described below.