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In 1987, the Council of The American Physical Society authorized acceptance of TeX-formatted author-prepared compuscripts to be submitted to Physical Review A, B, C, and D in machine-readable form. This electronic-submission compuscript program was extended to Physical Review Letters in 1992 and to Reviews of Modern Physics in 1994.

It is essential that author-prepared input be consistent and standardized so that the compuscripts can be accommodated by the normal production procedures and software. It is only by routinely handling author-prepared files that this method of production is economically feasible.

This input guide contains basic instructions for keyboarding compuscripts using the REVTeX macro package, which works in a LaTeX environment. This guide is part of the ``REVTeX compuscript toolbox;'' other items in the toolbox are the REVTeX macro package (several style files), bibliography tools, a test file, a README file (which contains details regarding installation and copying of the style files), an input template, and an example file. Authors should also consult auxiliary files that give additional information about compuscripts and about correct notation and style practices. These files are available online; cf. Sec. xii.

Compuscripts that do not comply closely with the instructions in the toolbox and the auxiliary files will not be used electronically in the production process.

You may need to supplement this input guide with the standard documentation available for LaTeX: namely, the LaTeX User's Guide & Reference Manual , by Leslie Lamport, published by Addison Wesley. This guide assumes some familiarity with LaTeX; specifically the article style. REVTeX version 3.1 is based on article style. The notations #1, #2, etc. are used throughout this guide to denote user-supplied arguments. Commands will be shown in their full form; i.e., with their mandatory arguments.

Contents of this Guide. In Sec. ii we describe procedures for making an original electronic submission to the Editorial Office.

Section iii discusses the specifications for file submittal (electronic mail or floppy disk).

Section iv briefly describes author proofs.

In Sec. v we describe in detail several aspects of compuscript creation: the input of front matter and how to switch from galley to preprint style; paragraph formatting, hyphenation, quotes, and text-width issues; section headings; basic input for in-text math and displayed equations; special character issues; footnotes and references; figure captions; and tables.

In Sec. vi we describe the various numbering and cross-referencing features of REVTeX using the available commands; these features can be used to label and cross-reference equations, figures, tables, references, and section heads.

Section vii discusses font selection schemes, support for AMSFonts, and extra symbols available in REVTeX 3.1

Section viii itemizes the differences between v2.x and v3.1 of REVTeX , for current users of v2.x, along with differences between LaTeX article style and REVTeX 3.1.

Authors who have never participated in the compuscript program may wish to read Sec. ix and Sec. x at this point. There we give a brief overview of the production compuscript-conversion program and answer some frequently asked author questions.

Section xii lists the people and places to contact if you have questions about any services described herein. To obtain the most proper and expedient answer to your question, please consult this section before calling or e-mailing the APS.

Appendix A gives a complete listing of symbols and characters available with REVTeX v3.1.

Appendix B is a handy list of some necessary commands that will be found in a REVTeX compuscript. This command list supplements the LaTeX User's Guide & Reference Manual .

Output for Appendixes A and B can be obtained by running the file manend.tex through LaTeX.

Unless specified in Section xii, questions regarding this input guide should be directed to REVTeX Support, The American Physical Society, 1 Research Rd. Box 9000, Ridge, NY 11961-9000.

Note on participating journals. The compuscript program is open to all authors in Physical Review A, B, C, D, E; Physical Review Letters and Reviews of Modern Physics.

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Fri Feb 6 11:29:29 GMT 1998