When/if a manuscript is accepted for publication, the manuscript and the compuscript file will be forwarded from the Editorial Office to the production group. The compuscript file undergoes software conversion into the Xyvision/SGML page composition system. Otherwise, standard procedures and schedule for production will be in effect, and the author will receive the correspondence associated with traditional manuscript publication. The manuscript will be returned to the author with the page proofs. The manuscript will be thoroughly marked to indicate where file changes were needed, and the author will be responsible for a thorough reading of the proofs.
Note: For Physical Review Letters, page copies are sent by FAX.
Although the author has assumed the responsibilities of keyboarding and proofreading, the production staff will still perform a quality check of the article and will insert editorial style changes. Other changes may be necessary as a result of the compuscript-conversion step. The changes are made to the Xyvision/SGML file at the production site. If their number is seen to be high it may be more efficient for the production group to proceed by rekeyboarding, and this is done. We do not ask the author to make changes to the compuscript file at this stage.
Page proofs should be carefully checked. Return the corrected proofs to the address indicated on the cover sheet; the necessary corrections will be handled by the production staff. An electronic file should not be sent at this stage.