The REVTeX macro package has been developed to accommodate the preprint needs of the author as well as the production needs of the APS. If you use REVTeX to prepare a manuscript for electronic submission to the Editorial Office and participation in the compuscript program, please follow these steps: (a) Review the galley-format output (the default style), which mimics final journal output. Carefully check the content of text, equations, references, captions (and figures), and tables, as if reading the journal. This format is often preferred for distribution of preliminary versions to colleagues. (b) In the case of papers subject to length restrictions, estimate the overall length by directly measuring the journal text. Add in the space that will be occupied by any figures (at their final reduction). On the journal page, the two-column area available for text and figures is nominally 9.5 in. (24 cm) deep; nominally 6 text lines occupy 1 in. of vertical space. Alternatively, produce mock page output by using the [twocolumn] documentstyle option, and perhaps even include EPS figures. (c) Switch to preprint style (see below) and review the output, which is at a larger type size. It is this format that is presented to reviewers and used by editorial staff. Check that equations and tables remain satisfactory. A REVTeX facility for ``squeezing'' preprint-style tables is described later. (d) Submit the preprint-style file electronically to the Editorial Offices.
Galley style, is produced by the following front matter:
\documentstyle[aps]{revtex} \begin{document}Galley style activates the width-changing commands and centers equations by default. Commands to place equations flush left or flush right are enabled in galley style, but are not normally needed. Note, however, that galley style produces output that only mimics the final journal output. Actual formatting and layout details of the final journal pages are applied by production software, not necessarily the coding in the author-prepared compuscript file or in the REVTeX macros.
The editors of Physical Review require the traditional form of manuscript for the review process: large typeface for legibility and ease of review; adequate space between typed lines and wide margins, for editor and reviewer marks and comments. This preprint style can be obtained with the following front matter:
\documentstyle[preprint,aps]{revtex} \begin{document}Preprint style gives a constant-width output with equations centered.