Tables are a part of the electronic manuscript and should
appear at the end of the file. Every table must have a complete
title and the correct number of descriptive column headings.
Please set all tables within a begin{tabular} and an
end{tabular} command. Each individual table must begin with
begin{table}, and end with end{table}.
Tables are set to 15.25 cm wide in OSA's manuscript style of
REVTeX. Any usage of the narrowtext, mediumtext,
and widetext commands will simply be ignored, as these
are not relevant to OSA's manuscript style.
See examples of tables in a current OSA journal issue for
the placement of table lines. The table commands will set single
horizontal lines appearing at the beginning and end of the table.
A single horizontal rule should be set after the column headings
with the use of the tableline command. Extra sets of column
headings within the table will require another tableline to
separate the headings from the column entries. Do not insert any
other horizontal or vertical lines in the body of the table.
Since tables are automatically numbered, the label command
is used with the ref command to cite tables in the text. The
label command should appear after the end{tabular} and
before the end{table} command.
Special Table Considerations