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The following pages illustrate a short annotated sample of an OSA manuscript created with REVTeX. Both the input and output are presented for comparison purposes. We welcome your suggestions of sample formats or conventions that might be added to this manuscript example in the future to make it more useful to OSA's authors. Please send your ideas to

Frank E. Harris
Optical Society of America
2010 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036-1023
Telephone: (202) 416-1903
Facsimile: (202) 416-6102
E-Mail: (Internet)

In addition to examining the following sample, many OSA authors will find valuable examples in the files sample.tex, josaa.tex, josab.tex, and aplop.tex. Optics Letters authors can refer to josaa.tex or josab.tex for a style guide, and select the josaa option in the documentstyle command for their manuscripts.

The OSA template (template.tex) is a document file set up and ready to use for manuscript input. It includes all the basic section tags and formatting commands (macros) that are relevant to an OSA manuscript.


The Optical Society of America thanks you for your participation in the REVTEX electronic manuscript activity. Your electronic submissions will help the Society improve its capabilities and competencies to serve the OSA technical community even better in the future. Thank you.

Title of Manuscript

A. A. Author and B. B. Author Authors' institution and/or address C. C. Author Second author institution and/or address


In this version of the manual's sample document, each page of TeX\ output will be followed by a page in verbatim mode showing the input that produced the facing page. This provides examples of almost everything an OSA author needs to know to produce an article. The facing page format makes it especially convenient.

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Fri Feb 6 13:18:42 GMT 1998