Here is the first sentence in Section 1, demonstrating section cross-referencing. Note that this sample file was run without the eqsecnum option selected. OSA accepts equation numbers of the form (1), (2), etc. If you wish to use numbers of the form (1.1), (1.2), etc., use the eqsecnum option.
The author will not know the received date when the compuscript is first submitted; production will insert this. Every article includes an abstract. The abstract is a concise summary of the work covered at length in the main body of the article. It is used for secondary publications and for information retrieval purposes. OSA will enter the received date.
% This is the file MANUAL2.TEX , MODIFIED TO TEST OSA MACROS % from version 3.0 of the REVTeX macro package. % *** !!!!!!!! 3.0 !!!!!!!! *** % This file is part of a compuscript toolbox distributed by % APS and OSA in conjunction with the TeX author-prepared program. % All rights not specifically granted are reserved. % Copyright (c) 1992 Optical Society of America. % % For more information, see the README file. % Filename: manual2.tex \documentstyle[manuscript,osa]{revtex} \def\btt#1{{\tt$\backslash$#1}} \newcommand{\MF}{{\large{\manual META}\-{\manual FONT}}} \newcommand{\manual}{rm} % Replace the manual font with rm (Roman) \newcommand\bs{\char '134 } % add backslash char to \tt font % \begin{document} \title{Title of Manuscript} \author{A. A. Author and B. B. Author} \address{Authors' institution and/or address} \author{C. C. Author} \address{Second author institution and/or address} \maketitle %% ESSENTIAL IF TITLE, AUTHOR, OR DATE ARE TO APPEAR \begin{abstract} In this version of the manual's sample document, each page of \TeX\ output will be followed by a page in \btt{verbatim} mode showing the input that produced the facing page. This provides examples of almost everything an OSA author needs to know to produce an article. The facing page format makes it especially convenient. \end{abstract} \section{First-level heading:} \label{sec:level1} Here is the first sentence in Section \ref{sec:level1}, demonstrating section cross-referencing. Note that this sample file was run without the eqsecnum option selected. OSA accepts equation numbers of the form (1), (2), etc. If you wish to use numbers of the form (1.1), (1.2), etc., use the eqsecnum option. The author will not know the received date when the compuscript is first submitted; production will insert this. Every article includes an abstract. The abstract is a concise summary of the work covered at length in the main body of the article. It is used for secondary publications and for information retrieval purposes. OSA will enter the received date.