Quick-Reference Check List for Submission:
The Optical Society of America is pleased to invite
electronic files in REVTeX 3.0 from authors of journal
manuscripts. At this time, the REVTeX format can be converted by
OSA's commercial typesetters, and it is hoped that most files
submitted in this fashion will be usable.
Electronic manuscript files should be submitted at the
conclusion of the peer review process. The key is that, on
acceptance, the author's electronic file must be in the hands of
the OSA Manuscript Office staff. The electronic version must be
that of the authors's final, accepted manuscript. If it is not,
the file will simply not be used.
A cover letter containing the following information should accompany any electronic file submission:
Failure to include the necessary information may preclude
the use of an author's file. Also, if questions arise and the
author cannot be reached for an answer in a timely fashion, then
the file may not be used (OSA will not delay publication of an
author's work in this way).
The address for submission is given below for the following four OSA journals:
Journal of the Optical Society of America AConventional mail delivery of the author's file on diskette to the address below is the current mode of receipt. In the future, electronic mail options are expected to be available as well.
Journal of the Optical Society of America B
Applied Optics.
Optics Letters
Optical Society of America
Manuscript Office
2010 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036-1023
Telephones: ¯ (202) 416-1916 - Manuscript Office(202) 416-1903 - Technical Assistance
Facsimile : (202) 416-6120
E-mail: (Internet) osamss@pinet.aip.org -- Manuscript Office
fharris@pinet.aip.org -- Technical Assistance
A paper copy of the manuscript is still required with
submissions on diskette. Copy editing will still take place on
paper, and then the marked paper plus electronic file will be
sent to one of OSA's typesetters.
The typesetter will examine the author's file to determine
whether it will be easier and less costly to convert and utilize
the full file or just parts of the file or to rekey the
manuscript completely. The author's compliance with the
stylistic directions of LaTeX and REVTeX along with the degree of
copy editing will be the main factors affecting this decision.
In all cases, the typesetter will identify the course of action
taken by including a feedback form that the author will receive
with the proof.
It may be interesting to know that the Society's typesetters do not use REVTeX or LaTeX for their actual typesetting. They currently use Xyvision or Arbortext, which are professional, specialty systems used by the typesetting industry.