Authors are expected to know the basics of TeX and LaTeX\ before using REVTeX. Also, authors should fully review the README file included in REVTeX 3.0 before getting started. But if problems or questions specific to REVTeX 3.0 arise, the following staff person from the Optical Society will advise the OSA author:
Frank E. Harris
Optical Society of America
2010 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036-1023
Telephone: ¯ (202) 416-1903Some inquiries may be forwarded to OSA members who have volunteered to assist in answering REVTeX technical questions. Through this member-assisted network, it is OSA's intent to provide satisfactory answers to all REVTeX-related questions that OSA authors ask.Facsimile: (202) 416-6120
E-Mail: (Internet)--for REVTeX help only -- other inquiries.
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If you are willing to participate in this member-assistance
program for REVTeX, please get in touch with Frank E. Harris,
at the above e-mail address.
If you are new to TeX and LaTeX, some books that you might find useful are