This is a description of the components of REVTeX 3.0 that are specific to OSA's journals. A brief map of what files are relevant and an overview of use are provided. The quick- reference guide below is intended for advanced users of REVTeX\ 3.0, while more detailed how-to-use information is given in Section IV.
NOTE: All users of REVTeX 3.0 should fully review the README file before getting started. MS-DOS users can use the TYPE command.
Type: TYPE README: MORE [carriage return].
Users of REVTeX 3.0 for OSA journals will want to use the following files:
README¯ - Brief instructions on REVTeX useOSA authors will want to ``LaTeX'' and print sample.tex, and also the more complete sample for the journal to which they are submitting, josaa.tex, josab.tex, or aplop.tex. Optics Letters authors should refer to josaa.tex or josab.tex for a style guide, and select the josaa option in the documentstyle command for their manuscripts.revtex.sty - Main style file for all physics societies
osa.sty - Society-specific style file for OSA journals
osa10.sty - Fonts and format style file for OSA journals
osa12.sty - Fonts and format style file for OSA manuscripts
osabib.sty - Society file for bibliography style
template.tex - OSA template for creating a manuscript
manosa.tex - The OSA portion of the REVTeX manual, part of which shows
output and corresponding REVTeX input on facing pages
sample.tex - Short excerpts of the three manuscripts listed below, (about 20%
of each original paper), with corresponding input
josaa.tex - Sample JOSA A paper (excerpts)
josab.tex - Sample JOSA B paper (excerpts)
aplop.tex - Sample Applied Optics paper (excerpts)
A valuable tool for authors new to REVTeX is the raw input files
josaa.tex, josab.tex, and aplop.tex. These may be imported into a
word processor and printed, so that input and REVTeX output can
be compared.
The OSA template (template.tex) is a document file set up
and ready to use for manuscript input. It includes all the basic
section tags and formatting commands (macros) that are relevant
to an OSA manuscript. For a list of all available macros, please
refer to Appendix B, and for a list of symbols, see Appendix A.
It may also be helpful to scan the manuscript example provided in
Section V to find other macros that may be useful to a
particular application.
The three style files (osa.sty, osa10.sty, and osa12.sty) will interpret the macros in terms of special layouts and fonts for OSA journals and thus will produce a properly formatted manuscript when printed. The file osabib.sty handles cross-referencing and bibliographic citations and makes sure that these are formatted according to OSA style.